Sistem Water-Cooled yang cocok untuk gedung bertingkat tinggi.
Seri VRV Water-Cooled menggunakan air sebagai sumber panas. temperatur air berkisar antara 10-45 derajat celcius, dan temperatur udara diluar tidak mempengaruhi kapasitas pendinginan. unit luar sangat ringkas dan hemat tempat.
Water cooled system suitable for tall multi-storied buildings
Water cooled VRV IV series utilises water as a heat source. The temperature of heat source water can be from 10°C to 45°C, and outdoor air temperature does not affect cooling capacity. The outside unit is compact and saves space in the machine room.
Model Name : RWEYQ6TY14
Model Name : RWEYQ8TY14
Model Name : RWEYQ10TY14
Model Name : RWEYQ12TY14
Model Name : RWEYQ14TY14 (RWEYQ6TY14+RWEYQ8TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ16TY14 (RWEYQ8TY14+RWEYQ8TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ18TY14 (RWEYQ8TY14+RWEYQ10TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ20TY14 (RWEYQ10TY14+RWEYQ10TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ22TY14 (RWEYQ10TY14+RWEYQ12TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ24TY14 (RWEYQ12TY14+RWEYQ12TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ26TY14 (RWEYQ8TY14+RWEYQ8TY14+RWEYQ10TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ28TY14 (RWEYQ8TY14+RWEYQ10TY14+RWEYQ10TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ30TY14 (RWEYQ10TY14+RWEYQ10TY14+RWEYQ10TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ32TY14 (RWEYQ10TY14+RWEYQ10TY14+RWEYQ12TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ34TY14 (RWEYQ10TY14+RWEYQ12TY14+RWEYQ12TY14)
Model Name : RWEYQ36TY14 (RWEYQ12TY14+RWEYQ12TY14+RWEYQ12TY14)